The inventor of the mirror poisoned the human heart. It is the curse of the modern age.
Nature, in her wisdom, had made us so that we could not look into our own eyes, at our own face. The only way to do so was to assume the properly humble position of stooping over to look at the reflection in a pond or stream. But now we have proven too clever for our own good. We live in the age of narcissism. Remember him? Narcissus? The cruel hero of Greek myth, renowned for his beauty, who upon falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water could not tear himself away, and so he sat, stooped over looking at himself until he became the flower that to this day bears his name.
In all this there is deeper meaning for us who stare at the modern mirror. I'm not talking about the mirror in your bathroom, I'm talking about the mirror you are looking at right now. Turn off your monitor and you will see the face of the future of humanity. Our eyes looking out to an endless sea of ourselves, we transcend the shackles of our physical selves and become avatars in the new frontier; the undiscovered country.
Beautiful, but so tragic.
The man who invented the mirror poisoned the human heart.
So turn off your ipod, get off the phone, and for God's sake tear yourself away from this accursed mirror! This...what is around you and in you right now, this very instant that you read this word.
You are sitting right smack in the middle of the beatific vision. THIS IS IT! You are in it, but most importantly you are the eye that sees it. So just enjoy it.
But if you still are not convinced, maybe Howard Beale can.
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